Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lubbock Daze

I have a confession, I've been slightly down in the dumps lately. Lubbock produced a couple weeks straight of cold/rainy/windy weather. That combined with the lack of time alone living in the dorms -I'm a bit of a loner at times- has made me want summer to come faster and faster.

It is a good thing then that God blessed me with finding such a great church. N and I have been attending Redeemer in Lubbock. The church has such a passion for God and a love for each other, the Lubbock community, and the world. I am excited for next year here at Lubbock, and I'm so ready to be more involved in God's work.

While I was being reminded of His love for me, I was also reminded of how much fun I've been having at Tech lately. I have been extremely busy.

My Mom and N's mom Patty drove up last weekend to visit. I wanted her to see me enjoying Texas Tech and show both of them around.
Sorry the only picture I have of you is your backside Mom :)

N has also been busy with his construction class for Architecture:

  Obviously I like to post flattering pictures of my loved ones ;)

That is a space suit. They were making spaces to "dwell" in for Architecture. He's now building a wall out of hangers. Fun no?

I complained about the gross weather but I should also praise the warm days. They are spent here <-- Laying out at Tech's leisure pool, floating around the lazy river, and dropping off the slides. Thank you Tech for some free (sorta) entertainment!

The rest of our weekends have been spent at Lubbock parks. They are so beautiful with the ponds, cyprus trees, and art work.


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