A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...there was a cousin named Mikey who visited his favorite cousin in Lubbock. Cousin Hannah was trying to convince Cousin Mikey to move to Lubbock so that he could meet a nice West Texas girl and settle down. She took him all around Tech's campus, and he met her and N's friends, and ate at delicious places like Raising Canes. He also drove with N and Hannah to see his other cousin, Caitlin, on her 21st birthday. He bought her her most favorite present ever. He's basically a goofball and likes to make ridiculous faces with Cousin Hannah whilst wearing ridiculous hats. Then he left and Cousin Hannah got sad and took a month to write this post.
I'm really glad Mikey visited and I really do hope he comes out to Tech for grad school. Lubbock needs more of my family's genes.
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