Thursday, September 9, 2010

Casey Donahew

Through all of my classes and hourssssss of drawing homework, I have had a little time for fun. Last Saturday I went to a charity concert thrown by a fraternity. We got to see/listen to:
Casey Donahew Band! Good ol' Texas Country.
I basically threw a belt and some boots on over what I wore to work earlier. That's A, N, and K all looking handsome as usual.
Jamming out
Song about getting your gun. Texas Tech Red Raiders "get their guns up" for those of you who don't know.
 This made me laugh. Some guy that had a little too much to drink kept singing and putting his arm around K. Haha!

Anyways, it was a pretty fun night :)



  1. Love that picture of you and the boys - I wish I could go to fun concerts with you guys :/

  2. I don't look 6' 3" in this pic at all.


  3. hahaha aww :) I love your country look! So cute!!!

    30 hours a week? Of homework? AND a job?? I mean, I do about 30 hours of homework a week but I don't have a job and my boyfriend lives 300 miles away...I don't know how you do it!

  4. cute pictures :)i love my comfy pair of boot <3 . xo~ check out my blog & follow if ya like!

    ps-i have a giveaway, ends 0ct9 :)
